Monday, November 4, 2013

Veteran's Day

Veterans Day. I started off with Deanna Jump's American Soldier Piggyback song (Are you sleeping.) We sang it first. Then we talked about the words and what they mean. We talked about what a soldier was, as well as what it means to be brave. The common answer was when you are not afraid. I believe most children believe this. I tried to make it personal to help explain brave. They know my children so I said if there was a snake in their room and they called me to come save them, I would be there in a second. I would be brave, however I am afraid of snakes. I love my kids so much and want to keep them safe so I would put my fear aside to be brave.
I then added some literacy work with the song.  They had to find sight words or letters on the chart.  Later the students had their own copies of the song and picture of Veterans to color.  They highlighted the sight words you and we.
During carpet time, we worked on a soldier chart.  Of course I found a mistake after I took the picture -see if you can find it- it won't take long.
Sorry my handwriting is horrible on this chart.  I have to sit at weird angles. (As we always do as teachers!) Another activity we did was put military words in alphabetical order.  I had students highlight first word in yellow and we went down the alphabet to put in order. They cut and pasted the words in order.  (Next time- I will use a smaller list- 10 was too much for this age)
We ran out of time today, but I plan to do a shared writing with the students writing to our military tomorrow.  I found this from a friends facebook page. 
To top off our day, one of my student's dad is a veteran so when he walked in we sang the American Soldier song to him.  Today was a good day mostly in part to all our wonderful veterans.

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