Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Money and Patterns

This is a mix of whats been going on in the classroom.  I wanted to share a quick activity we did to review patterns.  My students enjoyed it and it really helped me see where they stood in their understanding of patterns.  I put out colored teddy bear counters at one group and another had colored cubes. Students were each given a card with a pattern on it.  The cards were different so they could not copy each other.  I had them read the pattern to themselves.
 Then the students would build the pattern.
I checked it and then they would pass the pattern cards around to get more practice. 
I also wanted to share a resource we used to introduce coins and value.  I started out passing out coins and magnifying glasses.
We wrote on a chart what we saw on the coins.  We also talked about the differences from each other and from other coins we found on them. Then we used this freebie from Klassy Kinders.
That's all for now. Have a great week.

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