Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Classroom Reveal

I had to spend my summer portion at another school and was soo happy to back at my home school so I could get my classroom together.  Then I had the nightmare of sending all my bulletin board stuff to laminating and it took 2 weeks to come back! Scary times but we worked through it.  My theme this year is Monsters. I teach a k-2 multiage classroom so I will have students for three years.  Because of this I want it to seem new to them every year. I do have a few more things to do but here it is for the most part.
 The is is an overview shot of what the students see when they walk in the room.
The picture above is my blocks/games/puzzles/LEGO section.  I did keep my iHelp job chart from last year.
This is the Kitchen/ Dramatic Play area.  For the first week back we did our names with mosaic cut construction paper. I drew their names on black Construction paper with white crayon and they filled it up with the colored paper.  We then wrote a goal we had for the year.
This is the library area. I got a new rug for a bit of color and a giant word wall from a friend. 
This is the writing center with my own monster painting up top.
I made a monster word wall to go with my theme too.  You can find it here. I teach the sign language for each letter to my class so I also wanted to have a sign language Alphabet strip.  You can find it here.

 Then that brings you over to my reading table.  I am always asked about my stools, well they come from ikea and are only like 5 bucks! I love them!! I still need to put my teacher bulletin board up behind my table.  The black bulletin to the side is where I keep track of my students LEXIA goals.  They love that one.  They get medals to put up on it and when they get a medal they also get a yummy smart cookie. 
This is our meeting area.
Here is our omputer cabinet, sand table and the wooden shelf holds all our math manipulatives.
And I am a collector of character stuffed animals to put in my classroom- I can't help myself.  It is just as bad as children's books! I won't even show you my closet because it is packed with books.
Now I know these are more in the dragon category but I thought this welcome could work.
Here is my listening center. We are starting the year off with nursery rhymes. So I made this unit to go with it. It covers grades k-2 and includes CCSS.
I hope you have a great new school year!